Project Creation

Creating projects in the IDE is the first step to programming. When first starting up the IDE, the following window will appear after installing any necessary LSPs:

Projects can be created through the New Project button, and also by going to an opened IDE window and clicking on File > New > Project

In the project creation window, there is the ability to set the language, the name of the project, and for most languages the ability to select the location of the project. Currently the only language that doesn’t allow the selection of the project path is Go.

Project Opening

Projects can also be opened by the Open Project button, or by going to File > Open > Project and selecting a .ppf file of a project. Alternatively, a project can be opened by double clicking any file in the Windows explorer with the .ppf file extension, assuming the file extension was selected through the installer initially.

Project Importing

Project importing is not yet supported. If an issue or two suggests it, the feature may be added after the 3.0.0 release.