
The Go language relies on Google’s Gopls for language implementation, and normal Golang to run programs. The following items are the settings specific to Go:

Input Directory

This is not changeable, by the language design of Go. This will be in your %GOPATH%\src\[project name] directory.

Highlight Directory

Accepts a directory, to contain all the highlighted output images. Images are saved with the same name and relative location as their source, but with _highlighted.png instead of ending with .png.

Running File

The file path to the image file to run.

Compiler output

Accepts an image to be saved and store all compiler console output data.

Program Output

Accepts an image to be saved and store all of the program’s console output data.


Syntax Highlight

If the code should be syntax highlighted in the highlight directory.

Compile Program

If the program should be compiled into an exe or not. If unchecked, the program will not execute either.

Execute Program

If the program should be executed. Compiling is not requires for execution.